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High Frequency Wave Crown and Heart Chakra Activation

Cosmic energies are triggering crown and heart chakra expansion. Our frequencies fluctuate up and down in the blink of an eye. In a wave of higher vibrational surf or a smackdown of matrix meanness. Being hyper aware of our energy, of the language of energy, helps us ride incoming waves, transcending the third dimension. We learn to manifest our realities through mindfulness and mantras. We are here to learn or relearn the meaning of quantum existence within the relative confines of a third dimension holographic world. We are here to learn that we can reset, realign, tune up, heal and protect ourselves. As we learn this, we embody our wisdom. We become the change we want to see in the world. We survive karmic purges, global and personal. We grow in the light as energetic beings.

Tingling on our scalp, loud bang at the top of our heads or buzzing in ears can occur when our crown chakra expands. The energy travels down our spine drawing our energetic being online. Core strength. Core power. Core balance. Crown chakra activation is making us feel giddy, dizzy, light headed. We can feel peaceful, calm and relaxed even when faced with tragedy or trauma. We emotionally respond but from a place rooted in zen love. This levels out our responses. We do not become robots or levitating monks but we do attain and retain a sense of stillness.

Expansion of consciousness is the opening of the doors of perception. It’s connecting the dots. Waking up. Unplugging. Consciously changing thought patterns and behaviour. Decluttering our lives to allow for a greater experience. A quantum leap in time and space of a people and their planet. Crown chakra expansion is the Age of Aquarius. Our minds seek knowledge, wisdom and understanding. We become galactic warriors, fearless in higher frequencies. There are tools, ways we can consciously, actively take back the control panel of our beings. Code our lives, change our lives, expand our lives. Practising mindfulness with mantras can transform our existence. We can capitalise on all fresh new photonic blasts of light. Stay up right on our cosmic surfboards, Stretch. Breathe. Upgrade. Ride waves of high vibrations maaaan.

10 ways to raise our vibrations,

  1. Meditation
  2. Mantras
  3. Mindfulness
  4. Gratitude
  5. Music
  6. Dance
  7. Nature
  8. Soul tribe
  9. Healing therapies
  10. Yoga

To anchor our light to Gaia’s grid is our mission. To raise the vibrations one person at a time, ripples in the ocean of organic life, this is our calling. Mindfully engaging in each minute, connected and grounded, emotionally embedded in this human experience IS raising the vibrations. When there are cosmic battles taking place to reset the frequencies, our grounded, present, joyful, calm interactions embed positive energies into Gaia. If we are grounded at higher frequencies, the energies of love, peace, joy and protection roll out. Integrating with higher wavelengths and helping to anchor lighter energies to Gaia. This grounded love is higher dimensional zen.

Heart chakra expansion is being triggered on a global scale. We are being stripped back to our core, service to self or service to others? When we move into our heart every single interaction in our lives changes, it changes everything. We become mindful of how much effort and practise it takes to be mindful! The more we inhabit love vibrations the more we surrender to the natural ebb and flow of cosmic evolution. We surrender to the moment. We trust our intuition. We see with our heart. We think with our heart. We feel in our heart. We become kinder, wiser and calmer. We move with a flow of energies at higher vibratory fields, our inner stillness flowers in heart led living. Embrace heart chakra activation friends. Release blocks to love. Say the word in mantras, to your loved ones, to yourself. Get friendly with love, hang out, buddy up to love vibration, it’s the key to exiting the matrix. To attaining fifth dimensional existence on the material plane. Unlock your heart. Share love, receive love, be love.

In the bubbles of space created for us by our guides, our higher self, our angels, we integrate, recalibrate and transform. We are becoming 5th, or higher, dimensional beings operating in a 3d reality. We are learning to balance higher dimensional wavelengths with third dimension living. We are one foot in 3d, the other in 5d, keeping ourselves upright, flexible and flowing. To be connected to a joyful, appreciative, grateful life. To see the good, the positivity, the love and beauty in our human lives is key to pulling this balancing trick off. Transcending the third and fourth dimension, leaving behind hate, greed and fear by cultivating inner stillness. Amid stormy seas of cosmic energetic warfare we are guided in love. We are conduits of love. We are one in universal love. Peace beautiful people.


I am one with universal love frequencies.

I am protected at all times from lower vibrations.

I am grateful for all the love and beauty in our world.

I anchor my light to Gaia’s grid.

I am here in peace, in love and in light.


16 thoughts on “High Frequency Wave Crown and Heart Chakra Activation”

  1. What a beautiful piece of writing; full of soul path, life affirming wisdom! Thank you for the wonderful mantra. A perfect start to the day. Namaste, my soul sister x

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