awakening5dhealing, Guided Meditation Chakra Healing

MindBodySoul Healing in a Quantum World

When we talk of our mindbodysoul system we are raising our awareness of ourselves as energetic beings. In a practical sense it means nothing can affect one without affecting the others. To fully appreciate the wisdom of this is to take a leap beyond the physical, to expand our consciousness beyond what we can see with our eyes. We are organically and intrinsically connected to the quantum universe. We interact energetically with our environment all the time. In the matrix our trinity being is strategically divided to prevent activation and free flow of energy. Our mindbodysoul system becomes the psychological, the physical and our faith. There are few connections recognised beyond the minds’ ability to fool the body, the placebo effect, and physical addiction to drugs prescribed for mental health. 

Holistic healers welcome medical, physiological and psychological insight, practise and knowledge. The same cannot be said in return. The role of talk therapy,  medical knowledge and physiotherapy is valued within holistic healing. Releasing trauma and pain through counselling and learning ways to break self destructive thought and behaviour patterns are key to healing. Western matrix medical and psychiatric disciplines frown upon, mock, dismiss or are threatened by energy healing. This is backward in a technological and spiritually progressive world. 

Many ancient cultures understood and practised holistic healing in tandem with the natural medicines Gaia, planet earth, provides. Relentless modern day algorithms of compartmentalisation aim to build barriers between healing disciplines as well as our minds, bodies and souls. When we experience pain, discomfort, illness or injury we can help ourselves by looking at the bigger picture. In a quantum universe nothing is by accident, nothing is coincidence. Many people report injury as one reason for their awakening, they were literally, physically stopped in their tracks, forced to step off the tread mill of their lives, reflect and take stock of what direction they were moving in. The world works in mysterious ways, as they say. 

That is to say… the natural world. Within the synthesized holographic matrix poisons and toxins can and will make us sick. This is not necessarily related to life missions, preordained contracts, it is a breach of our universal free will. There is injustice in this world. Duality of light and dark, good and evil. This puts responsibility on our shoulders to clean up our acts and avoid obvious toxicity like junk food, opiate pharmaceuticals, fascist fear programming from mainstream media and a sedentary lifestyle. There are proactive steps we can take to detox our mind, bodies and souls. We can:

1. Reduce stress by decluttering our lives, avoiding participating in and creating drama and meditating to still our ego.

2. Avoid mainstream media in all its guides news, entertainment and advertising.

3. Reduce exposure to food weapon technology, pollution and toxic products. 

4. Seek the heart, the truth in religion/spirituality and wilfully ignore (if this is an option for you) restrictive, divisive, oppressive religious rhetoric and rules.

The idea we store emotion physically is not new. Nor is the idea that we can improve our mental health by improving our physical or spiritual wellbeing. Many of us in the modern world are hunched over computers, sitting at desks or rushing about to get too much done, cogs in the capitalist wheel. This can cause all kinds of physical problems. One common and painful issue, experienced by many, is sciatica, inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve begins low on the spine close to our sacral and root chakras. It runs down through our hips to the back of our legs, knee and foot. Pain can be experienced anywhere along this nerve. Sciatica is triggered by mechanical pressure (pregnancy, sitting at a desk 8 hours a day) or injury. If our hips, spine, or pelvis are out of alignment, for whatever reason, this nerve can become trapped, inflamed, irritated and painful. Western medicine offers MRI scans and painkillers (usually addictive, usually with side effects and never with an exit strategy). 

To approach sciatica from a holistic perspective is to look at physical triggers, emotional, energetic blocks, our mental and spiritual wellbeing. Activity that inflames the sciatic nerve should be avoided. Take the time to do the opposite of the position or movement you have been doing. Rest if you are overactive, straining or pressuring the nerve. Physiotherapy is the first port of call for sciatica, closely followed by daily gentle stretching exercises. 

Experiencing pain in our lower back or running down through our hips and back of the legs can signify several issues relating our overall wellbeing. We are zooming out from the physical cause and looking at energetic triggers and reasons. This is holistic diagnosis. We analyse where and how the body relates to our psyche and our spirit. Trinity healing. Sciatic pain in the lower back can signify harbouring deep fear relating to financial security, safety and stability. We store ancestral, childhood, birth or past life karma in our root chakra, unresolved trauma can cause nuggets of harder energy to form, pressurising the nerve. Grief, sadness, loss and abandonment can create dense, heavy frequencies that settle in our lower back and buttocks, leading to discomfort when sitting, walking or sleeping. 

Anxiety relating to a change of direction in our lives can be diagnosed when pain is experienced in our legs. We can feel scared, hesitant to step forward into the great unknown. We can see our present circumstances, although unsatisfactory, as comfortable and familiar. We can also store repressed anger in our buttocks and legs. We may resent having to bow to someone or something we don’t want to. Or feel forced or held back by someone or something. This sense of helplessness leads to frustration, and repressed anger. The proximity to our sacral chakra also highlights a fear over loss of status, prestige, financial success and security. Sciatica can indicate a lack of or damage to our self confidence, our sense of belonging, of having purpose and support.

Neural Realignment Therapy is exceptional for improving alignment and encouraging free flow of chi. All holistic healing therapies from acupuncture, cranial sacral, reiki to sound baths and crystal healing work with energy, vibration to release blocks and improve alignment. When our bodies are flexible our energy can move freely. Talk therapy also releases negative emotions, untangling sticky, tricky, knots of negative energies. Energy healing, counselling and switching to a healthier lifestyle is a fast track to healing our mindbodysoul. Do the research if you are experiencing pain, look into the metaphysical and spiritual context of what and where the pain is. Think independently and act accordingly. This is reasserting our sovereignty over the matrix.

To become more quantum is to begin viewing our bodies as intricately connected to our minds, energetic vibration and our soul nourishment. Self care is taking care of all of us. Being responsible for the health of our minds, bodies and soul. To be present, grounded and mindful. To put ourselves in this world not sell ourselves to this world. The temptations of the matrix, the false rewards and competitive conditioning ensure we are vulnerable to attack of our sense of identity. We can take back our power by taking care of our whole selves. Respect your health, your emotional wellbeing and your inner peace. We are growing, evolving, understanding more of what it is to be human in a 5d dimension. Surf happy, safe and enlightened cosmic brothers and sisters. Namaste.

Thankyou to Knowing Ourselves at

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