awakening5dhealing, Lightbody Activation

1111 Cosmic Light Wave 444 Lightbody Activation

We are going in deep friends. The world is polarising, separating according to density of frequency. Some will remain in their memory loops, locked into denial, demonic possession or spiritual ego. Others will soar in the cosmic lightwave energies coming through. Those who are experiencing the full power of the current light wave are receiving… Continue reading 1111 Cosmic Light Wave 444 Lightbody Activation

awakening5dhealing, Guided Meditation Chakra Healing, Lightbody Activation

Watch “Guided Meditation Chakra balance Gaia healing” on YouTube World Meditation Day Join Morag 5dhealing for a gentle, magical, healing Guided Meditation. We align with higher vibratory states using breath and visualisation to raise our vibrations. Join Morag meditating love frequency with Gaia in alignment & healing. Deep Chakra Balance. Root Ancestral Healing. Sacral Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine healing. Solar plexus connectivity… Continue reading Watch “Guided Meditation Chakra balance Gaia healing” on YouTube

awakening5dhealing, Lightbody Activation

5dhealing Gratitude

5dhealing reached 30k followers today on that there Facebook!!! Whoop whoop! Feeling the love beautiful people ❀ I'm gonna keep walking my truth, speaking my truth, meditating and sharing my warrior love πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸŒŠπŸŒ€ Sending love and light in deep gratitude, grace and humility to all those resonating with 5dhealing lightπŸ™πŸΌπŸ’–πŸŒŽ

awakening5dhealing, Lightbody Activation

Sovereignty and Self Care

Truth. Self respect is sovereignty. No matter who they are, even your twin flame, if they can't respect you they can't be good for you. When folk are rude take it as your cue to pull back, don't make excuses for them. When people ignore you or make you wait, chase or beg for their… Continue reading Sovereignty and Self Care

awakening5dhealing, Lightbody Activation

5 Signs You are Experiencing the Shift

What is the Shift? The Shift is our collective shift in perspective from primitive drives to a higher state of consciousness. The Shift occurs for all species, all multiversal populations in this rich and vast tapestry of existence. Technological advancement is necessary to elevate our abilities beyond basic survival. The digital age is a major… Continue reading 5 Signs You are Experiencing the Shift

awakening5dhealing, Lightbody Activation, The Matrix

The Five Steps to Shift from Fear to Love

Love is a vibration, a frequency. Everything we are is vibration, frequency. Our cells, atoms and quarks, the tiniest particles that make up our being, vibrate. Everything is vibrating from micro to macro, the cosmos is ever expanding, never still, always moving. The spectrum of vibratory experience is quantum, not linear. To raise our vibrations… Continue reading The Five Steps to Shift from Fear to Love

awakening5dhealing, Lightbody Activation

Spirit Totem the Raven Third Eye Activation in the Fourth Realm

The Raven came to visit me this morning. Primping and preening himself, making sure I saw him in his full glory. A big, powerful bird, dark as night, magical and mystical. In Game of Thrones Bran transforms into the Three Eyed Raven, able to transfer his consciousness to living beings. The Raven comes today to… Continue reading Spirit Totem the Raven Third Eye Activation in the Fourth Realm

awakening5dhealing, Lightbody Activation, Planets and Portals Energy Updates, The Matrix

The Divine Masculine #metoo and the Matrix

Jupiter Retrograde circa 2019 is like being the punchbag for a heavyweight boxer. For a loooong training session. Mercury Retrograde rattles our cage, shakes us down with trickery, delays and obstacles. Jupiter's retrograde takes us deeper into karmic excavation in our root chakra. Our emotional baggage feels heavier in weighty Jupiter's pull back, we face… Continue reading The Divine Masculine #metoo and the Matrix

awakening5dhealing, Lightbody Activation, Planets and Portals Energy Updates

Jupiter Retrograde Warriors of Light Level Up

It's happening again beautiful people. Go. To. Ground. Normal routines, all extras pared back. Only the necessary. Full scale war has been reached on other dimensions. So many are involved, jumping timelines and frequencies. We are anchoring portals of light to the material plane. Manage the fear energies with chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Manage… Continue reading Jupiter Retrograde Warriors of Light Level Up

awakening5dhealing, Guided Meditation Chakra Healing, Lightbody Activation, Planets and Portals Energy Updates

New Moon Meditation and Chakra Balance

Honour the New Moon in Aries with mama Morag. Breathwork, mantras, protection, gratitude and Chakra Balance. One love cosmic surfers πŸŒ€