awakening5dhealing, Planets and Portals Energy Updates, The Matrix

333 Portal Update Dreamweaving in Darkness

It's all kicking off energetically beautiful people. Those sensitive to the intense maelstrom of frequency friction are having a real hard time balancing on their cosmic surfboards. Assimilation into the higher dimensional realms is requiring vast amounts of energetic space. Meanwhile we hold down our daily, mindful lives whilst all around us in the matrix… Continue reading 333 Portal Update Dreamweaving in Darkness

awakening5dhealing, The Matrix

Truth, Missing Children and the Awakening

We are moving through a space of intense fluctuation. Many are feeling like ping pong balls being batted up and down the spectrum. One day (minute!) we feel high on love vibrations, the next weighed down in the swampy mire of 3d fear frequencies. The third dimension matrix is running on empty. Some old programs,… Continue reading Truth, Missing Children and the Awakening

awakening5dhealing, Planets and Portals Energy Updates, The Matrix

Energy Update Woke and Watching

It's not you, it's the system. It's not you, it's the awakening. It's not just you, it's everyone. Existence in a world permeated with fear and anxiety takes a toll on us. Being woke means understanding the system is rigged and everything is energy. We are weaving our dreams into the new earth tapestry. Take… Continue reading Energy Update Woke and Watching

awakening5dhealing, Planets and Portals Energy Updates, The Matrix

Shout out to all who made the jump!

Shout out to all who made the jump! The tears, trauma, despair and depression of the last few months was all worth it. We have entered a new paradigm. We made it cosmic surfers. Let the the rumbles under our feet, the shockwaves running through our system, settle. Give yourself time to drink it all… Continue reading Shout out to all who made the jump!

awakening5dhealing, Planets and Portals Energy Updates

Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore

1111 we broke through the membrane, critical point for propulsion was reached. We're not in Kansas anymore. 333 Quantum Leap Portal opened. Root chakra release. Heart chakra expansion. Throat chakra activation. Gateway remains open till late August Lions Gate Portal. We anchored divine feminine energies to Gaia's grid enabling crystalline core integration. We triggered divine… Continue reading Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore


The Art of Slow

The art of slowing down is guaging energy, adapting our day to suit our flow. It's resisting pressure to speed up to meet demands of never ending to do lists, micro managers and bills. The irony, the circle, is the less we worry the more life flows. Don't be a mouse in a maze, a… Continue reading The Art of Slow

awakening5dhealing, Planets and Portals Energy Updates, The Matrix

Energy Update Sacred Rage Against the Machine

We have hit an intense space in Gaia's ascension to higher dimensions. Light pulses through the vortex of our existence. Everything is getting biblical. No surprise really, the last few thousand years of human history has been shaped by biblical narratives. Divine feminine energies finally anchored in 2019 and we are now in a space… Continue reading Energy Update Sacred Rage Against the Machine

awakening5dhealing, The Matrix

Lightbody Activation, Psychic Attack and Spiritual Lockdown

We are travelling through a profound transition in space and time. Our world is upgrading. Our existence is transforming from automaton to interactive. The reality we perceive is becoming SMART. To access upgrades we must go through an intensive and active process of recalibration. We wake up to the illusions in our perceived reality. We… Continue reading Lightbody Activation, Psychic Attack and Spiritual Lockdown

awakening5dhealing, Planets and Portals Energy Updates, The Matrix

Traveller Update Soul Synthesis

The dark web is being weaved into the fabric of our perceived reality. The Shift is humanity dreamweaving a new reality based on love, joy and compassion. Light and dark operate energetically with the natural and holographic world. Lower realms foster dimensions of lost souls. Addiction and possession go hand in hand. One is the… Continue reading Traveller Update Soul Synthesis

awakening5dhealing, Lightbody Activation, The Matrix

The Five Steps to Shift from Fear to Love

Love is a vibration, a frequency. Everything we are is vibration, frequency. Our cells, atoms and quarks, the tiniest particles that make up our being, vibrate. Everything is vibrating from micro to macro, the cosmos is ever expanding, never still, always moving. The spectrum of vibratory experience is quantum, not linear. To raise our vibrations… Continue reading The Five Steps to Shift from Fear to Love