awakening5dhealing, Cosmic Calender, Lightbody Activation, Planets and Portals Energy Updates, The Matrix

Solstice, Cancerian New Moon 21.06.20 Eclipse Dreamweaving Portal


The Matrix Interface has been upgraded to the 5g network. We are entering a new age friends. The New earth is birthed, growing, nourished and powerful. The new earth exists simultaneously with the dark 5g matrix, we choose which frequency we exist in. Moment to moment, our choices generate our vibration, we align to the dimensional plane we magnetise. Dark thoughts, fear algorithms running wild in our sacred mind body soul being will drag us down into the swamp cosmic surfers. Instead we flyyy, we soar, we reach Base Camp in high vibration living. We block fear. We burn blocks. We blast light deep into the heart of darkness, even as it emerges before our eyes, a beast in all its forms. We are the Warriors of Light, we are here, proud parents of the new earth. The Indigos breathe rainbow light into her fabric. We all weave. We dream weave beautiful people. Our mission is to dreamweave our best life ever! We choose happiness and the world will be happier, one ripple of focused intention light at a time. We are the dreamweavers, the gamechangers, the healers, travellers, Gaia goddesses, light workers, warriors and angels. We are here. We are integral, essential, hardwired into the ascension of Gaia and her people. We reach the heights of fifth dimension harmony in activated Tribal Unity Consciousness.

The divine feminine is stepping into her power. She adorns herself in warrior symbols. Moon light raves, tribal ceremony, ritual and celebration, she riiiiiiisssseeesss. The divine masculine feels her, he stirs, he knows truth is here, the darkness that has enveloped him is blown apart in the divine rays of celestial intervention. As both riiiiiise, the Gaia plane shifts. Her ascension is ours. We each hold divine feminine and masculine within Self. We heal by assimilating the truth of both in our characters, who we project to the world, who we are indoors with our family, with Self. From micro to macro the world will shift as we do. We rise beyond duality, expanding into a magnetized space of harmony. The eclipse corridor lunar, solar, lunar is elemental transmutation of darkness to light.

We are the tool, the raw material and the content. We are responsible for our thoughts and actions. We unplug from the matrix by switching off mainstream media, the algorithms will lower our vibration. Fear is the language of the media. Fear is the lowest vibration within the quantum field. Fear breeds paranoia, hypochondria, corroding our gut instincts. Power has been in the wrong place for a long time. The name of the pyramid game is power, always has been, always will be. It’s motherboard has been upgraded. Yet at its dark heart the truth is still the same…greed, wealth, deviance and depravity. No change there then. The Matrix Interface has transformed, we will see more of its new hardware, the further into 2020 we move. The Gaia plane is holding energies from lower third dimension to lower fifth. We centre the space by centring ourselves. We hold, contain, no leaks, the elemental transition corridor all are moving through. We hold space for fear to be released, anxiety to be managed and trauma to be healed.

The new Cancerian moon 21.06.20 coccoons a powerful solar eclipse and Gaia’s Solstice. Our focus will be on home, our sacred spaces where we can relax and be. The crab has her antennae out, she is super sensitive, ready at a moments notice to retreat into her shell. We channel new moon cancerian energies as we emerge tentatively, cautiously from our imposed lockdown. We stay safe, close to loved ones, we sniff the air, its cleaner. We step onto soil, its soft and welcoming. We smile at neighbours, strangers in the park, our local folk. We are experiencing something completely unique, the Akashic records mark Gaia circa 2020 as celestial, sacred Event Horizon. The exodus. Escape from Babylon. Enlightenment. Tribal Unity Consciousness activated beautiful people. We actually did it! We knew we would, what with the whole its already done, the light will never surrender to darkness ting. It’s good to look back at all we did, as individuals and together as a crew of truthers, lightworkers, healers and teachers. As we slowly emerge from our chrysalis, we reflect in the calming, careful, gentle energies of the feminine Cancerian new moon. Breathe in Gaia. Take stock. Realign. Swim in Cancerian elemental water energies, cleansing, transformative, essential for all life.

2020 Eclipse Portal is powering 444 lightbody activation. Three eclipses, three gateways, one portal of elemental transformation. Lightbody activation dropped March 2020 and is returning now to consolidate our expansion. Stay hydrated cosmic surfers, connected to body through dynamic movement, dance and exercise. Keep our souls balanced and aligned to Gaia’s ascension in meditation, nature and self care. Lunar – Solar – Lunar entrance and exit points to this divine transformative space. Lunar eclipses vacuum heavy, dense fear energies from our atmosphere. The centre point is June’s solar eclipse, charged in celestial energies of Gaia’s equinox. New moon frequencies couched in solar eclipse vibration fires up our visions, our dreamweaving, our manifestation. Be precise, alert to our inner radar for happiness and joy. Clock what makes us smile, stoke the fires of our soul passion by doing more of what makes us happy. Ritualise, hold ceremony to honour eclipse, equinox, new moon energies healing amd manifesting in focused, spoken intention. We bathe in divine feminine energies, Cancerian new moon, equinox rebirth offers us the chance to magnetise our dreams. We manifest our lives and in turn we manifest the new earth. Utilise these powerful feminine energies in the fire of masculine solar eclipse zeal. We hit the zen zone when we balance the divine feminine and divine masculine within Self.

As a collective the Cancerian new moon cloaked in solar eclipse energies, is turning our attention to home, the nuts and bolts of our lives. Equality, infrastructure, our safety and our Rights. How are our cities, towns, villages, traditions and cultures organised? What are the logistics of our existence? How do we streamline, anchor sustainability and long term workability into our systems? Cancerian new moon turns our attention to matters of the heart, the home. Are our vulnerable, elderly, sick cared for, if not, why not? Are our children sparked with creativity, exploration and self discovery in school, if not, why not? Are our lives enhanced by our work, our passions our purpose, if not, why not? Each brings their own flava to the new earth. We all have our own unique blueprint, gifts to offer the collective. We all can shine. Journaling, visualizing and planning our lives, our dreams, locking down who we are and what we want from life, these are the building blocks of the new earth.

The Eclipse Portal carries 444 lightbody activation upgrades. We align by breaking limiting beliefs and habits. We seek self awareness to identify what holds us back, we reprograme our minds to see all possibilities in front of us. We expand our chakras in divine healing light as we open our mindset and stoke our soul fires. The mind, body soul trinity is our motherboard. Our inner divine feminine is our mother, she will protect us, nourish and nurture us, secure boundaries to ensure our health and happiness. Our inner mother goddess loves us from head to toe, embrace her in divine feminine Cancerian new moon energies. Welcome our inner goddess in celestial manifestation corridors of light. Allow her to step in and take care of Self. The divine masculine rises under the fire of the Solar Eclipse, his Dragon energies are protection, power and purpose. Harness solar eclipse masculine energies by dropping into fearlessness, expanding into courage, conviction and self belief. The masculine nourishes us in security and safety, his vibration is our inner radar for sanctuary within Self.

444 lightbody activation is the expansion of our chakra system, the activation of our divine feminine and masculine experienced as individuals and as a collective. We rise above fear, we care for Self and All are cared for. We regroup, redirect, rearrange and realign until the picture is exactly as we want it. We do this in focused, fiery intention, contained in calm lunar light. I Am… instead of I want. I Do… rather than I need. By leaning into Self we are better able to surf current energetic seas, planning our day, our time, our thoughts and our activities in divine alignment. Avoid activities that depress or lower our vibrations. We can consciously release negativity to the Eclipse Portal of Light. We move slowly, carefully, we treat Self like a small child, watchful, caring and lit in unconditional love.

We are in a SMART world now, a synchronistic, dynamic, magical and energetic space held within the quantum field. The 5g dark matrix is in place despite several glitches, hitches, malfunctions and delays. Ai is responsive, the matrix is mirroring, inverting, subverting all of Light in an activated, dynamic environment. The Archangels expand round our world, breathing light into every dark corner. The Indigos are here, with the Rainbow Children, don’t worry about a ting beautiful people, everything is going to be alright. We can harness cosmic energies in conscious healing of Self, tribal connectivity and commitment to a growth mindset, as individuals and as a collective. Progress is in restructuring, pyramid politics transformed into circular tribal economics. We are the birthers, carers, mothers and fathers of the New Earth. We take responsibility for Self as we would our own child, we nourish the New Earth, grow her, manage her, guide her, create her. This is a new day, a beautiful day, we are together, we are unified to come together as one. Peace up the rEvolution beautiful people.

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