awakening5dhealing, Lightbody Activation, Planets and Portals Energy Updates

Transition Update the Shift 888

We sail through time and space on wings of cosmic light. We are upgrading at exponential rates, accelerated evolution. Dimensional frequencies are embedding in higher realms. This is affecting everyone. No one is untouched by the profound transition we are experiencing. Viewed in 3d terms we are at the dawn of the technological age, the age of transhumanism, the inevitable fusion of AI and humanity. Or, in 5d terms we are at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, the Return of the Divine Feminine, prophesied for eons. The realignment of Gaia to higher realms. The return of balance, light and dark on planet earth, leading to the dissolution of duality. 2018 is proving to be the year for transition on a global scale. It gets harder to ignore what is increasingly revealed in plain sight. Planet earth is the eye of the storm, ground zero. Gaia, goddess of light, inhabits planet earth, an organic being, unified in divine light. It is Gaia’s sovereign will to free herself and her people.

The darkness is being flushed out. Like a spider it scurries back to the heart of its dark web. Hyper aware at all times, its web vibrates, it watches and waits. Imagination is what is lacking in lower dimensions. Cold, calculated, ruthless, greedy and envious, possessive and aggressive are characteristic of low vibration individuals. Lack of empathy, entitlement, superiority, obsession with hierarchy, the dark arts and status symbols of wealth, define 3d players. To be in lower realms is to live life in fear frequencies. It is to compete, to climb, to expect others to bend to their will. We tread carefully in this reality for now. Channel spider spirit animal. To know the darkness is to mirror it in light. Be aware. Be cautious. Be stealthy. We are energetic beings, lightbody activated. Try out upgrades, learn to navigate our new skill set. We are in a Smart world. We are transitioning, we orchestrate this in love vibration. We manifest quickly in these new dimensional frequencies. Manifest wisely friends with creativity, compassion, gratitude, joy, love, presence and balance.

We are at a great juncture, a crossroads on the space time continuum. A fusion of timelines, primary points, written in the stars, in stone, in magic, myth and mysticism. The shift has moved up a gear, dropped into second, accelerated expansion of consciousness. We are inhabiting a space between the fourth and fifth, with the third, the matrix weaved through, in rituals, algorithms and rhetoric. Timelines indicate separation, parallel Earths, some in dark, others in light. A great shift occurred through August and September 2018, 3d to 5d. A backdoor portal opened, those who were evacuated are being healed in their millions, phase 2 complete. The rules have changed. We can undo much of the damage done, working in higher bandwidths. We can redesign, recycle, realign and rewire the system. We can bring rational ideology, spiritual enlightenment and compassion to the political economic arena. We can speak sense, create sense and spread sense in a chaotic upside down world. We can do this if we believe we can.

The world is sensory now, Smart. We interact every second, creating, manifesting, weaving our own narratives into the greater picture of planetary evolution. As grand as this may seem, zooming out, we see a vast universe vibrating at frequencies of light and dark. Multiple timelines, parallel lives, souls, intertwined, working in perfect disharmony. We are here, riding the waves of Gaia’s ascension from dark to light, from low vibratory fields to higher wavelengths. Spider senses should be on all the time over coming months. Read energy not packaging. Be our own gatekeeper. To stay in the light is to move away from heavy vibratory energies. Whether that’s mainstream culture covens, micromanaging bosses or the 6 o’clock news, limit and minimise contact. Protect higher vibrations with daily mantras and meditation. Connect to universal love light anytime, anywhere. Bathe in it. Breathe it in. Realign. If something feels wrong, listen and move away, stealth stylie. To know a spider, be a spider. Listen. Create. Weave our webs in love and light. Destress with self care, slow down and enjoy the little moments in life that bring us joy. Snapshot memories. Make it happen. Make what you want, happen. We are in deep waters of transformation, a momentous time, the birth of unified consciousness.

Gaia dropped bread crumbs, clues. Whispers across galaxies, rumours of quantum leaps, spiritual transformation on a grand scale. No-one realised it would be this big. Despite the prophesies, the remnants of ancient knowledge, buried secrets. No one realised it would be this big. Back up has been scrambled. Word has been sent out across the galaxy, across dimensions, across worlds. Time has been bought. Where once we were in a cosmic waiting room, now we are in holographic stasis. The 5d light matrix has been successfully merged with the 3d matrix. The darkness is not going to go away. We have to leave it. Like spiders, we slide away, quick and silent. Separation has become the name of the game. Balance is light and dark. The dark exists. We have done our time. As has Gaia. We are on a tightrope between dimensional realities, fluctuating constantly. To settle the vibrations, breathe inner calm. Meditate love frequencies. Use mantras to reset your dial to zen vibration.

Focus on the future of 5d earth. Of rebuilding a world in step with Gaia, with nature. It could be so beautiful. Technology enabling us to work with our planets beauty, resources and natural wealth. A primitive species quantum leaping into unified consciousness, as the Mayans predicted. The dark will twist and turn, tear itself, inside and out, greed over running rational selfcare. This is no longer our worry or responsibility. Choices are being made every second, in every heart. Focus on our own beating hearts, on creating a beautiful world. Change policies with people power. Meet dark arts with white light magic. Heal in love vibration. Meditate as often as we can, mirroring, soaking up, reflecting rays of light wherever we go. The light is like a virus running though the matrix infecting it. Causing malfunctions, shorts, fuses and glitches. Let it. We are not here to save the old earth anymore. The game has changed. We are here to create the new earth in fifth dimension light.

Energy goes where intention flows, stay aware of where our energy flows, keeping it all positive. We can do this. We can be gamers, architects or props. We can make the rules or follow them. We can march to the beat of our own drum, or obey the algorithms of the matrix. We can play the system from the inside. Vote for national health, free and creative education, fair distribution of Gaia’s gifts, sanctuary and safety for all in a technologically advancing society. None of this is impossible. Shore up friends, hunker down, build your nest in love. We are going back in again sooner rather then later. Be ready. Be prepared. Be grounded, anchored to Gaia’s grid of light. Know we are surrounded by love. Angel wings protect all who exist with compassion in their hearts, for it is the frequency of the soul, of fifth dimension freedom. Guard your sovereignty, maximise self care, optimise mindfulness, rely on positive mantras. Meditate love frequency in stormy seas of transformation. It’s all about 5d love vibes beautiful people. In light and love cosmic surfers. #fourleafclover #spidertotem #green #thegamehaschanged #theShift #888

5 thoughts on “Transition Update the Shift 888”

  1. Yeah big shift. I do my ascension work from home. Having go dentist, or chiropractor, usually wonderful healers, team dark got to me through them. I this week had clear message when you out now 3d has to conform to your 5d. Fab. Found new body upgrades, needing new nutricion. Our body tells us what me need. Holy water happy vortexed water, holy 1d minerals, in earth, our body needs, tissue salts. Gentle healing, non toxic, ie homeopaty flower rems. Cos of pain i been on tremadol for years, could feel me gody rejecting. Clear guide to stop, not before being lead to plants that heal pain, kratum eases opiate withdrawal, kanna, wild lettuce, started using, gentle,insistent, awesome, etc is our guidance to 5d. The equinox, n full moon, brought all new. Ta for article. I tried to find yr comment, couldnt, hope this gets to site. I love reading comments, we in this together. 5d morning out my window, n to you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just got this message. Thankyou for sharing. Knowing others are experiencing this shift means a lot to me. I admire your ebergy, positivity and honesty x I have some experience of tramadol, if you would like to talk to me please email me on x cosmic surfing all the way soul sister xxx


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