awakening5dhealing, Planets and Portals Energy Updates, The Matrix

Cosmic Gaia Goddess Day


The divine feminine riiiiiiissses. Her moves are stealthy, cosmic, warrior. She is in enemy territory. She knows her Truth will Shift the world into the Light. She riiiiissses. Sacred fury beats in her heart. Mary Magdalene catches every single woman transitioning at the hands of violence. Mary Magdalene is here in righteous fury. Her angels surround Gaia, the pyramid tomb will collapse in the force of her DIVINE JUSTICE. SiStars on the material plane, ground zero, we break the chains by reaching out to each other. Dissolve barriers of envy, hate, distrust and competition by being Real. Those seeking a higher path will resonate, stick around. We work together to create new algorithms of SiStarhood. We ARE empress love, tribal gatherings, moon hut raves, steeped in magic, wisdom and beauty. Connect with the grandmother’s in peaceful meditation. Allow their immense joy and knowledge to seep into our bones. We are connected in divine ancestral light to the grandmother’s, our ancestors, ascended beings of light and to SELF. Love is the answer.

We ARE the divine feminine healing. We HEAL in solidarity with one another. The truth… women are raped, violated, enslaved, beaten and maligned every day. The Warrior Womban has ARRIVED. SHE will vanquish evil and restore peace. Meditate with Mary Magdalene today, for comfort, strength and divine healing. We are not alone. Women of the world, we are not alone. The skies trumpet the return of the Archangels. Dimensions fluctuate in immense waves of dark and light activations. We GROUND to Gaia. We embrace her cool, calming, nourishing energies. Elemental transformation is occurring at an accelerated rate. We are BECOMING one with Self. Unification of mind body soul, Trinity Light.

We USE our voice. We seek platforms for expansion against prejudice and misogyny. We can be safe in our homes. Safe on the streets. Safe at work, play and rest. We fight the Dark Tide of hate towards women. We fight the Dark Tide of hate against humanity. We fight the Dark Tide of evil flooding our world. We ARE DREAMWEAVERS. Light up the Loom of Love with gold, silver, magenta, indigo threads of rainbow love. We WEAVE our lives and shift the world when we ALIGN to our dreams. We SUPPORT each other to make them happen. We ARE the divine feminine riiiiiiiisssing. Watch out womben-haters, Mama’s Home.

#goddessvibes #warriorwomben #empresslight

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